Shocking discovery reveals why millions of Americans over 50 are experiencing cold hands, fatigue, brain fog, and declining health - and the "forbidden" solution certain supplement companies don't want you to know about...
By Keith Harrison - January 30th, 2025
Dr. James Mitchell couldn't believe what he was seeing.
The patient in front of him - a successful 64-year-old executive named Robert - was literally gasping for breath after climbing just one flight of stairs.
But what caught Dr. Mitchell's attention even more were Robert's hands - they were ice cold, even though his office was warm.
"I used to run marathons," Robert wheezed. "Now I can barely make it up to my office without feeling exhausted. My hands and feet are always freezing, even in summer. My doctor says my tests are 'normal,' but I know something's seriously wrong."
Dr. Mitchell had seen it hundreds of times before. The same cluster of symptoms that mainstream medicine either ignores or misdiagnoses:
Cold hands and feet that never seem to warm up
Constant fatigue that no amount of rest can cure
Brain fog that makes you feel like you're thinking through mud
Declining memory and mental sharpness
Stubborn high blood pressure that won't respond to medications
Muscles that tire quickly and take forever to recover
"Your doctor isn't lying when he says your tests are 'normal,'" Dr. Mitchell explained. "But he's missing something critical - something that's literally suffocating every cell in your body right now."
What Dr. Mitchell revealed next sent shockwaves through the medical community:
Your body is being systematically starved of oxygen - and it's happening right now, while you're reading these words.
The culprit?
By the time you're 50, a dramatic 60% decline in your body's production of a crucial molecule called nitric oxide - which acts like a "key" that unlocks your blood vessels, allowing oxygen-rich blood to flow freely.
Without enough nitric oxide:
Your blood vessels remain constricted slowing circulation
Oxygen delivery to your cells plummets
Your brain, heart, and other organs slowly suffocate
Your entire body begins to break down
Even worse?
The $600 billion supplement industry has known about this for years. But since they can't patent and profit from the solution, they've buried the research and pushed ineffective drugs instead.
If you've tried circulation (nitric oxide) supplements before, you've probably used L-arginine.
It's in virtually every circulation formula on the market, with supplement companies claiming it boosts nitric oxide production.
But what these billion-dollar supplement giants don't want you to know is:
Recent clinical studies delivered a devastating double-blow to L-arginine supplements.
First, research showed L-arginine only increases blood flow by a pathetic 1.8% to 5% - even at massive doses of 7,000mg. That's like trying to water your garden with an eyedropper.
But the truly frightening part?
Scientists discovered L-arginine supplements actually damage the cells in your blood vessels that produce nitric oxide.
The very supplement that's supposed to help your circulation could be destroying your body's natural ability to produce nitric oxide.
"It's criminal," says Dr. Mitchell. "They're selling people supplements that barely work - and may actually make them worse in the long run."
But a maverick team of French researchers refused to accept this deadly status quo...
While supplement companies were busy pushing their ineffective L-arginine formulas, a team of dedicated researchers in the prestigious French laboratory Bio Seare Laboratoires made an accidental discovery that would change everything...
They asked a simple question: "What if nature already had the answer?"
Their research led them to study one of nature's most remarkable phenomena - the incredible regenerative power of fruit stem cells. These cells contain something extraordinary: compounds that can literally "wake up" your body's sleeping circulation system.
After years of painstaking research, they discovered something amazing:
Inside the stem cells of certain fruits lay a compound that could increase blood flow by up to 50% - more than 10 times better than traditional supplements!1,2,7
But finding this compound was just the first step.
These brilliant scientists faced a challenge that had stumped researchers for decades: how to extract these powerful compounds while keeping them stable and bioavailable.
It was like trying to capture lightning in a bottle.
The breakthrough finally came after years of research and millions in funding. Using a revolutionary extraction process, they found a way to concentrate and stabilize these remarkable compounds in a form your body can actually use.
This wasn't just another supplement discovery - it was a fundamental breakthrough in how we approach circulation health.
For the first time, we had a way to help the body restore its own natural nitric oxide production system, rather than just forcing it to work harder.
The French scientists didn't just make a discovery - they proved it worked through rigorous clinical testing. In a series of placebo-controlled studies, they documented something remarkable:
ViNitrox™ dilated blood vessels by 50% - nearly matching the power of laboratory chemicals specifically designed for circulation1,2
A 28-day study with 34 participants showed a dramatic 50% reduction in inflammation
The blood flow improvements were 10 times greater than those seen with traditional L-arginine supplements
The effects were achieved with a specific 500mg dose - the exact amount needed for optimal results
These weren't just laboratory results. Real people in the studies reported experiencing:
Significant increases in energy
Better exercise performance
Improved overall wellbeing
The scientific community took notice. While traditional supplements were struggling to achieve even a 5% improvement in blood flow, ViNitrox™ was showing consistent 50% improvements in clinical settings.
Here's what makes ViNitrox revolutionary:
Superior Blood Flow Enhancement:
L-arginine: 1.8-5% improvement
ViNitrox: 50% improvement (27 times more effective!)
Works Two Ways:
Opens blood vessels by increasing nitric oxide by 24%
Protects blood vessels by reducing inflammation by 50%
No Tolerance Build-Up:
Maintains effectiveness over time
No need for increasing doses
Natural Fruit-Based Formula:
Derived from apple and grape stem cells
Works with your body's natural processes
No megadoses required
When news of these remarkable clinical results reached Jordan Swanson, CEO of OxyNaturals, he knew this discovery needed to reach the millions of Americans struggling with circulation issues.
But there was a challenge: how to transform this powerful compound into a supplement that people could easily use every day.
"The clinical data on ViNitrox™ was unprecedented," Jordan Swanson explains. "But we needed to ensure we could deliver the exact 500mg therapeutic dose in a form that would be both effective and affordable for everyday use."
Working with a team of nutritional scientists, Mr. Swanson developed what would become OxyBoost - a proprietary formula that delivers the full clinical dose of ViNitrox™ along with supporting nutrients that help maximize its effectiveness.
The result is a supplement that gives you the exact same breakthrough tested in the clinical studies, in a convenient form you can take every day.
The results have been nothing short of remarkable for thousands of customers.
Neil, age 62, was skeptical at first. As a dedicated gym-goer, he'd tried everything to maintain his energy levels.
"I've been taking this for a couple of weeks," he reports, "and the difference is remarkable. I used to struggle to finish my workouts. Now, not only do I feel good at the end, but I could go another 4-5 minutes. It's like I've gotten 15 years of my life back."
Shannon Davis, a medical researcher, decided to put OxyBoost to the scientific test:
"I used Nitric Oxide Indicator Strips to measure my nitric oxide levels before and after. Within two days, I went from the 'Low' range to the 'Optimal' range. As a researcher, I was amazed. The science actually works."
Every day that passes, your body's ability to produce nitric oxide continues to decline. The cells responsible for producing this vital molecule become more damaged, making it harder to restore them to optimal function.
This means blood flow will continue to decline.
That's why starting now is crucial. The sooner you begin supporting your body's nitric oxide production, the better your results will be.
Here's how it works:
We're so confident OxyBoost will transform your health, we offer an unprecedented triple guarantee:
You MUST feel noticeably more energetic within 7 days
You MUST experience warmer hands and feet within 21 days
You MUST feel dramatically healthier within 90 days
If you don't experience ALL THREE improvements, simply give us a call at 833-699-7727 or send us an email at for a 100% refund. No questions. No hassles.
Up to 50% increase in blood flow
Up to 50% reduction in inflammation
Significant improvements in energy levels
Support for healthy blood pressure
Enhanced cognitive function
Improved exercise and sexual performance
Remember: Cold hands and feet are your body's early warning sign. Don't ignore this crucial signal. Take action now while you can still address the underlying cause.
Right now, you're at a crossroads. You can:
Continue with supplements that only work at 5% capacity
Do nothing and watch your nitric oxide levels continue to decline
Try OxyBoost completely risk-free and potentially transform your health
Remember, with our 90-day guarantee, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
The future of anti-aging is here.
This breakthrough is too important to ignore. Don't let declining nitric oxide levels rob you of your vitality. Take advantage of this special offer now and start feeling younger, more energetic, and healthier - or pay nothing.
WARNING: Due to recent media exposure and overwhelming demand, supplies of OxyBoost are limited. Order now to secure your supply and get up to 45% off today.
Effect of ViNitrox® on the activation of eNOs through the phosphorylation of “Serine 1177” from endothelial cells (HUVECs) as measured by flow cytometry (2010)
Ex-Vivo laboratory study: ViNitrox® stimulates the production of nitric oxide (NO) by vascular endothelium
Inflammation in atherosclerosis: Imaging, biomarkers and novel therapeutic opportunities
Acute L-Arginine supplementation does not increase nitric oxide production in healthy subjects
Tangadi, D., Bhutani, N., & Bhavsar, P. (2020). Coronary Artery Disease, Nitric Oxide, Insulin Resistance, Polymorphism, RFLP.
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House, L. M., Morris, R. T., Barnes, T. M., Lantier, L., Cyphert, T. J., McGuinness, O., & Otero, Y. (2015). Tissue inflammation and nitric oxide-mediated alterations in cardiovascular function are major determinants of endotoxin-induced insulin resistance. Cardiovascular Diabetology
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Gimbrone MA, García-Cardeña G. "Endothelial Cell Dysfunction and the Pathobiology of Atherosclerosis." Circ Res. 2016